Screen printers could have issues with ink migrating from printed fabrics to the screen print image they place on the garment.
Dye migration can occur, as the heat during drying causes the printed dyes to revert back to a “liquid” state.
Try these tips below to improve results the next time you print on our printed tees and fleece.
- Use an ink formulated for high bleed resistance like a Wilflex Epic Poly White.
- Use inks like Wilflex Epic Low Cure which offer lower temperatures for curing to reduce the chances of migration.
- Add a tint to your underbase which may help neutralize the color of any migrating dye.
- Cure at no higher temperature or longer duration than the ink manufacturer’s recommendation.
- Check your dryer frequently during long production runs and make needed adjustments to stabilize the temperature.
By following the tips above, printers can help reduce the bleeding of ink on our printed garments. Using the lower heat setting and appropriate dwell times during the curing process will lessen the tendency of the inks to migrate through the screen print design. Using specialty inks designed for polyester or reduced bleeding can also mitigate the effects of dye migration from the printed fabric.
As a reminder, always test your ink and equipment settings prior to production